Finally, we were at the door presenting IDs. I pulled out my passport and pointed at my date of birth.

"I'm sorry, but California does not recognize a passport as a valid US ID," the young lady at the podium yelled to me as politely as she could over the music.
"What? What do you mean you don't recognize a passport?" I replied.
"Do you have a driver's license or a state ID?"
We had to leave but my friends hid their disappointment fairly well. We all had questions. I was asking how could they not recognize an ID that was issued by the US government and valid all over the world as a valid ID? But my college friends', however, were asking how does she not have a driver's license yet if she is 19 years old?
My husband asked me to write a blog post on this because it is such a common thing that a lot of people don't recognize is going on. A TCK may have endless experience navigating through airports into countless foreign countries, but not know how to drive a car until they are 20 years old. A TCK may have been doing their own laundry or buying groceries since they were young but does not know how to open a bank account. How is it that someone who can haggle a price down in several languages not know how to write a check? How can someone who has had a passport their whole life not have a driver's license?
Meanwhile, a TCK is looking at the world and wondering other things. How do people know you are who you say you are if you don't have a passport? Is independence based on having a car or on international survival skills? Is knowing how to write a check more important than knowing how to haggle for the price you want?
And when it comes to job experience, often TCKs are not allowed to work in the country they grew up in, although they feel they possess incredible life experience. That life experience will not necessarily show up on a resume.
It is a strange paradox. Signs of maturity or rights of passage are so different between the two worlds and often collide or crash in the strangest situations. This is where the importance of developmental years plays a huge part in a TCKs life. There are certain steps that are normal in adolescence that TCKs don't often have the opportunity to take. Adolescence is when you are weighing and testing the societal rules. But if the societal rules are always changing around you then you are not afforded this opportunity. And on top of that, some of the normal activities of adolescence can be limited because of security or the agencies that have brought a family to a country.
Maintaining long term friendships is a hard thing for me. I was not given many chances to do so, and was afraid to many times because all the previous times those people had been taken away from me. My husband, on the other hand, is great at long term friendships because the friends he has are the ones that grew up with him in his home town. HIS WHOLE LIFE. I can't even wrap my brain around someone who was around for my whole life, aside from my brothers, maybe. He can look at a friendship for a long run. I look at friendships for the moment. You can imagine how I have had to play catch-up on this subject in our marriage.

It's a strange thing, but mostly just something to be aware of. A TCK may be exponentially mature in some things, and seriously lacking in others. The technical term is delayed adolescence, but I try not to use that term because it makes me feel like there is an inferiority. That is not the case at all. Imagine that there is a bar graph of all the subjects you mature in during your life. A TCK might have some subjects that have jumped far above the expected place for their peers, but others that are far below it. Their non-TCK peers may be going through the steps of adolescence on schedule, but next to a TCK will seem below on some subjects, and above on others.
Both sides are based on opportunity. Different opportunities create different outcomes. Having one or the other does not make you better or worse; but it can be sensitive. It was hard on me to have to explain that I didn't know how to do certain things simply because I didn't have the opportunity, things that were so commonplace amongst my peers. I felt I was extremely mature in some things, but seriously lacking in others.
It feels like you are a living paradox. The truth is, delayed adolescence doesn't doom a TCK to never mature in those subjects. It just means the maturing is delayed. The same is true for non-TCKs, they will mature in the other subjects over time. Our graphs are always fluctuating.
I feel like it always comes back to this idea: different is not better or worse. Everyone has a story to tell and every story is worth telling.
Those are concepts worth living by whether you are a TCK or not.
In what ways have you lived out this paradox of maturity in some subjects but not others? When have you been the rookie at life and when have you been the expert?
Your experiences resonate with me. I didn't get a credit card and driver's license until the old, decrepit age of twenty-two. When people have been bemused by my ignorance of basic life skills, I've wanted to say, "I have repeatedly flown across the world on my own. I CAN DO THINGS, DARN IT!"
ReplyDelete(I haven't actually said this, for people generally frown upon such ungentlemanly outbursts.)
I also don't have many long-term friendships. In fact, I've seen so many people come and go in my twenty-something years that I hardly ever form lasting emotional attachments to people.
These consequences of growing up a TCK are things that I've struggled to explain to others, and I'm glad you've written about them here. It's nice to know I'm not alone in my oddities!
That's the biggest thing, though, isn't it. For some reason we think that we are all alone in our super strange TCKness. When, in fact, there are a whole bunch of us out there struggling with the same things, feeling just as weird as us. (To be fair though, some of us are actually just plain strange.) And I HAVE said to people exactly what you wanted to say but have not said. I am less of a gentleman than you I guess.
DeleteBut this is why I am writing the blog. So people who aren't TCKs can look around at their TCK friends and say, "Oh! So you aren't just a weirdo!" and so TCKs can say, "Oh! So I'm not alone in my weirdoness!"
It makes being strange a lot less strange and a whole lot less lonely. :)
We moved around a lot as kids so I don't know what it is like to have a friend all my life. Sometimes I feel envious, but sometimes I feel like that would have boxed me in from meeting all the people I have known. Even so Living in Uruguay for 15 years has given me two dear friend that I will cherish all my life. I still love you in all your TCKishness, Maia. I am glad that you are you.
ReplyDeleteThanks Mom. I know, a lot of TCK problems are not just TCK problems. We all have experiences like this, but those friends that we make, even in a short amount of time, can last for a lifetime. :) Love you, Mom.